Current events

Ongoing events
Tiny Pop Moves Salons provide an opportunity to stay connected to your local popular dance community. Designed to support tiny ideas in their formative stages and as they develop into popular dance research, these virtual salons are approximately an hour long. Up to three scholars/practitioners will be given time to share what they are working on in a low-key, five-minute presentation, after which the floor is open for reflections, questions, and constructive conversation. You can bring the smallest ideas: a project in its early stages; a draft chapter or essay; a work that is stuck; or a fully fledged project you want to share. There are no stakes at all, except to talk about popular dance and create a support network. Tiny PoP Moves Salons aim to foster community care. We are rooted and organized locally, to open up the opportunity to meet and connect beyond the screen as well, if possible.
We are inspired by MESS (Melbourne Emerging Screen Scholars), whose virtual salons bring together and support creative practitioners and scholars (whatever their status and career level) in screen studies. We thank Dr. Elena Benthaus for seeing the potential to adapt this format for PoP Moves, designing the blueprint with the peer-mentoring sub-committee, and ensuring its smooth roll-out.
Salons are run separately by local PoP Moves nodes, ie. UK, Americas, Francophonie, Australia/Australasia. Click here to check for upcoming salons.
Previous Events
PoPMoves Mentorship Program- UK Pilot, 2024
Social Movements: Convergences of Popular Dance, Justice, and Media
24th-25th February 2024...
The Role of Popular Dance in Higher Education in Australasia and the Asia Pacific Region
28th-29th November 2023...
Popular Dance: Pivoting Towards Digital Sociality
19th-20th November 2022...