Moving Beyond Coloniality: Practices of Emancipation Across Performances of the Popular
Please note: this event has now passed.
The Call for Papers is now closed but please see below for the original call, also available in French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Tickets to register and attend the conference are available here and are only available to purchase until WEDNESDAY 20th November. Unfortunately there will be no further registration during the conference. Please continue to review this webpage for conference updates.
Further information for delegates is listed on this page as follows:
Printable Schedule- (PDF)
Outline Schedule
Conference Venues
Call for Papers (now closed)
Outline Schedule
PoPMoves 2019 Moving Beyond Coloniality will take place at the University of Roehampton in Froebel College on campus.
Friday 22nd November
Registration and arrival at 17:00 in the Terrace Room at Grove House. The welcome talk and first plenary session of PoPMoves 2019 starts at 17:30. There will be a Welcome Reception before moving across to the Michaelis Theatre for the first performances starting at 20:00.
Saturday 23rd November
The main conference will take place from approximately 09:00- 18:00. There are 5 exciting sessions throughout the day with a variety of panels, lecture-demonstrations and performances. Please check the schedule for more details and to plan your day!
Registration is available in the Terrace Room at Grove House from 08:30- 17:00hs and all coffee and lunch breaks will take place in the same place.
18:00 Drinks at the Student Union (please note this is a cash bar on campus)
Sunday 24th November
Registration is available in the lobby of the Michaelis Building 09:30- 11:30. Light refreshments are also available in the same place until 13:00.
(Please note that food and drinks cannot be brought into dance spaces and please be mindful that all food venues on campus are CLOSED on Sundays.)
The panel, forum and discussion sessions begin at 10:00 with a dynamic closing session based on Lois Weaver’s Long Table from 12:00-13:00.
There is an optional day trip to the Southbank Centre/ Tate Modern in the afternoon. Those interested to gather outside Michaelis Theatre at 13:30.
Conference Venues
Call for Papers
The Call for Papers is also available in French, Spanish and Portuguese.
A PDF of the English Call for Papers can be downloaded here.